Weekly Summary: wk 6

This week I had a small issue in deciding what option I could do. I wanted to do option A. Talk to the Bot, it seemed fun and easy to create the video of Dr. Oblivion. As I started to create the assignment on Sunday, it took the whole day for it to convert the audio to a video so I gave up on it. I was upset it took hours for it to process but, in the end, it worked out well. I decided to do option B of 3 assignment banks and Developing your character. I had fun creating the 3 video assignment bank. Creating the commercial for a solar lawn mower was pretty fun. I had the idea of a solar lawn mower from a project I did in high school so I was pretty excited to create a commercial, it was almost like seeing it come to life. For the second assignment bank, I did a TikTok of my dog. I had a video I took of her over winter break and I added a filter on her making her look disfigured, it was pretty funny. Lastly, I created a video that correlates with the theme for this course and it is 8 helpful tips for using AI. Since AI is and has been around and is still developing I thought it would be a cool idea to make a video of how to use AI and what not to do with it. Overall, I enjoyed learning new applications and creating videos. As well as, creating a background story for my AI character.


  1. Paul

    I’m curious about your experience with trying to generate a Dr. Oblivion video. Did the script get hung up at a certain spot? If so, where was it? In my experience, step 1 takes several minutes, uploading the train.mp4 video can take a half-hour or more, and the other two steps take a few minutes. I haven’t seen a noticeable time difference between using the network at work and my internet at home. If it’s not working for other people, I’d like to figure out why.

    • admin

      Good evening professor, I got stuck on step 4. I permitted access to my Google Drive files, I was expecting it to take half an hour like how it said on the instructions. However, after 30 mins past, an error occurred, and it stopped loading so I clicked the button to pause it/ stop and it was able to continue again. This happened a few more times and I decided to restart the whole step hoping it would work. Unfortunately, this didn’t work. I’m not sure what could had cause the reason for it to not work. It could had been my connection but I’m not really sure.

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